Reisen / Travel
Frankreich 7.2011
Frankreich 6.2011
USA, Belize, Guat. 11.2010
Griechenland 10.2010
Frankreich 5.2010
Indonesia Nov. 2009
Madeira 2009
Sommerferien 2009
Indonesien Juni 2009
St.Moritz-Wien Juni 2009
Indonesien 2008
Frankreich 2008
Ägypten 2008
Indonesia 2007
Best of ....
Lembeh Strait
Dive Cruise Central Sulawesi
Banggai Islands
Togian Islands
Skandinavien 2007
Malediven 2007
Indonesia 2006
Südtürkei 2006
Indonesia Trip 2005
Tauchkreuzfahrt Okt. 2003
Lahami Bay Herbst 2002
Ägyptenreise Mai 2002
Südtürkei April 2002
Malediven Okt 2001
Sommerferien 2001
Tauchkreuzfahrt Mai 2001
Tauchkreuzfahrt Nov.2000
Australien 2000
Griechenland 1999
USA 1997
Expo 02
Kontakt / Contact


Togian Islands

The Togian islands are located in the Tomini bay. Apart from the Paisubatu there are a few basic, backpacker style places (Kadidiri Paradise, Black Marlin, Island Retreat) plus one more upmarket resort (Walea) which offer diving in the area.

The area offers a wide range of divesites: Nice walls, Boomies which are good for sharks and big fish if there is some current, a WW2 airplane wreck (Liberator), spot with big schools of barracudas and jack fish and so on. Unfortunately there are also some places where there is a lot of damage from dynamite fishing.

One of the best islands for diving in the Toginas islands area is Unauna, a volcanic island. This island is a bit apart from the other islands and has only a small population and no accomodation or dive base. It was on Unauna where we saw the big schools of barracudas and jackfish.
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© Tom Weilenmann
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